Pool has been upgraded to DigiByte Core v8.22.0-Final release. It is safe to continue mining.
Odocrypt Pool 142.87 GH/s
Shares (Diff 1):  53,231.90 (34.56%)
Invalids:  3.4 k (8.25%) · 1.3 k (2.43%)
Last Block
Pool:  27m (20946535)
Network:  7s (20946637)
Users:  14
Workers:  68
Please use the latest version of Odo-Miner Live Image!
Previous versions may work but they are not optimal and may include some bugs.
DE10-Nano Live Image need to be replaced with Odo-Miner Live Image!

Here is Odo-Miner Live Image, based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop linux.

It is bundled with:

No installation requred. Just burn the image to a 8 GB or more USB flash drive, boot from this USB flash and you are ready to go!

Please note! This is a deep Alpha version of the image and it can be updated quite often. Please check new versions!

How to use

  1. Personal computer should meets Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Desktop requirements
  2. It will work on a diskless workstation, installation is not required. All configuration saved on a USB Flash Drive itself.
  3. Download odo-miner-live-image-v0-1-1.img (7.1 GB size, 7,579,600,896 bytes, MD5 Checksum is a38fd39fe88396f726c3c9c821a07cd5)
  4. Burn it to an USB flash drive (8 GB or more)
    • Linux: using command sudo dd if=odo-miner-live-image-v0-1-1.img of=/dev/sdX bs=512 status=progress
                 where /dev/sdX your USB flash drive
    • Windows: using Rufus version 3.5 or newer
  5. Connect and power on your DE10-Nano device(s) before PC boot, use USB BLASTER II port at DE10-Nano
    (on the same side with a power socket)
  6. Boot a computer from an USB flash drive, select Try Ubuntu in a boot menu
  7. Login using odo user with no password, set your password for better security if required
  8. Edit file /altera/start-miner.sh and set your DGB address into STRATUM_USER variable
  9. Edit other variables if required and save the file
  10. Start /altera/start-miner.sh or reboot PC
  11. That's it! Your miner is up and running!

Check your pool stats, as well as you can check a miner in a screen sessions.

Please note!

DE10-Nano is a low hashrate device, for this reason the image is configured to use shared PPLNS pool odo.dgb256.online by default.

In case you want to try your luck at a SOLO pool dgb.solomining.io/odo, please configure it in /altera/start-miner.sh script file according to this page.

At SOLO pool it can take days or weeks or months to found a single block with a low hashate device.It depends on an overall network hashrate, difficulty and a luck for sure.

28th Feb 01:50:09 UTC sync: 0